Injury Law

What is Injury Law

Injury Law is a type of lawsuit filed by the patients against the doctor due to an unexpected loss during the treatment of patients. Our law office advocates for patients, their relatives and physicians. For this reason, the lawyers in our law office have become Injury Law lawyers with our accumulated experience over the years.

Injury Law is when physicians harm the patient due to ignorance, indifference or inexperience. In the event of the physician’s fault or negligence in the related damage, the physician is held responsible for the damage caused at the rate of his fault.

As it is known, every medical intervention involves a certain amount of risk, so not every issue is subject to Injury Law. However, if there is a physician’s fault or negligence during treatment, we can provide professional and legal guidance under injury law.

Lawsuits that can be filed by patients and their relatives

In case of defective medical intervention, the patient, and if the patient has passed away, their relatives can sue the hospitals and physicians for material and moral damages and file a criminal complaint.

Status of physicians as a result of the lawsuit filed

As a result of the lawsuit filed, a criminal case is filed against the physician who is found to have defective medical intervention, following the relevant articles of the Turkish Penal Code, for the offences of negligent killing, negligent injury, willful killing, willful injury, aggravated injury due to negligence. In addition, patients and their relatives can claim from the physician by filing a lawsuit for compensation for their damages.

What should be done for both sides

Injury Law cases are technical cases and must be followed meticulously. Both sides must follow their files closely with the lawyers dealing with the Injury Law case. Even a word to be given in the first statement is crucial in changing the course of the case. For this reason, it is necessary to work with an Injury Law lawyer who is an expert in judicial and administrative investigations.

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